Viscosity can be determined by several approaches across a wide range of conditions. These may include assaying across an increasing, followed by decreasing shear rate (or shear stress) with either a continuous non-equilibrium ramp or with discrete steps that allow the sample to stabilize at each increment. These assays can be performed across temperatures ranging from 0 to 180C. This sensitive and often discriminating assay can detect important rheological properties and subtle differences that may not be observed with a traditional viscometer.

Figure 1 illustrates the basic principles and relationships of a viscosity determination.

Figure 2 compares the broad range of shear rates across common processes as well as the relative shear rate range of a traditional viscometer, rotational rheometer and capillary rheometer.

Figure 3 highlights an important potential oversight when using a viscometer to determine viscosity at a single shear rate instead of a rheometer measuring across many shear rates. This classic example using a rheometer shows mayonnaise (black curve) being more viscous than honey (gold curve) at lower shear rates (<14/sec), both have same viscosity at 14/sec, and then become less viscous than honey at >14/sec due to shear thinning. The response to increasing shear rate shows the shear thinning mayonnaise to be "non-Newtonian". In contrast, honey maintaining a constant viscosity is "Newtonian". The extent and rate of a shear thinned sample to rheologically rebuild can be quantified with a "Thixotropy"assay.

Figure 4 demonstrates the ability to easily discern among oil samples with increasing amounts of surfactant that easily shear thin at a relatively low shear rate. Depending on product requirements, it can also be helpful to determine the extrapolated zero (low)-shear viscosity to model at rest as well as the terminal viscosity under high shear.

Figure 5 demonstrates the accuracy, precision and sensitivity of a rotational rheometer to discern among water standards and highly aqueous (Newtonian) formulations having very low (1-1.5x water) and narrow viscosity range.

Figure 6 below is an example showing stepwise (30 second hold each step) increasing, then decreasing shear rates over 0.01 to 200sec-1 to quantify the different shear thinning and subsequent rebuilding properties for 2 polish products to model a manufacturing process.

Figure 7 demonstrates an approximately 50% viscosity increase of a food product using a single low shear rate to investigate the irreversible effect of temperature cycling to model a manufacturing process.